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Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Committee on Judicial Affairs

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Sangiin
Date of creation The Committee on Judicial Affairs was established in 1947, by the enactment of the Diet Law.
Last renewal date
Mandate Terms of reference under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Judicial Affairs are as follows: Maintenance and enhancement of rule of law, civil and criminal law system and judicial system; Protection of human rights; Emigration and immigration management, and citizenship. The Committee examines bills and petitions, and proposes bills whose subjects are falling under its jurisdiction. The Committee is entitled to oversee government actions by carrying out its administrative investigation etc.
Membership The Committee has 20 members. They are appointed by the nomination of the President of the House of Councillors in proportion to the numerical strengths of political parties and groups in the House. The term of office of Committee members lasts until their term of office as Members of the Diet (Parliament) expires; the term of office of Members of the House of Councillors is six years.
Working methods The selection of item, the placement of agenda, and other working methods of the committee are discussed each time at the board of directors of Committee. Persons other than Diet member is only admitted to the Committee meeting as visitors under the permissions of the chairperson. And, the committee shall compile the minutes of meetings and they are disclosed to the public. The committee has the power to organise on-site inquires or hearings, and request the presence of government officials. When the Committee has completed the consideration or investigation of a measure or matter, it shall prepare a report and submit it to the President through the Chairperson.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies There is the provision that in relations with a plenary sitting of the House, the Chairperson of the Committee reports in a plenary sitting on the proceedings and results of consideration in committee of the measure or matter referred to it, and in relations with other Committees, the Committee can hold a combined meeting with other Committees or Research Committees, if it needs to do so for consideration or investigation.
Relations with external bodies There is the provision that the Committee can, through the President of the House, request the presence of any Minister of State and other senior officials of ministers, and request the Cabinet, Government and public entities' offices and others to submit to the Committee reports and documents necessary for its consideration or investigation. The Committee may hear the views of voluntary testifiers for consideration or investigation. The members of non-governmental organisations sometimes attend the meetings of the Committee as voluntary testifiers to express his or her view on bills referred to it.
Subjects dealt with Ensuring the appropriateness of granting Japanese citizenship especially to children whose mothers are non-Japanese; smooth implementation of the citizen Judge system due to commence on 21 May 2009.
Main address Sangiin
7-1 Nagatacho 1, Chiyodaku
100-8961 TOKYO
Phone +81 3 35 81 31 11
Fax +81 3 55 12 38 95
E-mail IntlCon@sangiin-sk.go.jp
Website http://www.sangiin.go.jp
Name Mr. Yuji Sawa
Notes Chairman

Information on this page was last updated on 15 May 2009
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